Kids Influencers Masterclass

This is your chance to get your slice of the pie! The social media advertising industry is currently worth $4 billion and counting. Just imagine the amazingly valuable future your child could have if you start working towards financial freedom right now!

Within this easy-to-follow masterclass, you’ll learn:

  1. Learn how to get started as Influencer
  2. How to protect your children
  3. Benefits of being a Kids Influencer
  4. How to build a Brand
  5. Brand Discovery
  6. How to select your Niche
  7. How to Create Eye-Catching Content
  8. Understand your insights
  9. Bio Optimization
  10. Story Hacks
  11. Highlights
  12. Feed
  13. Reels 101
  14. How to edit photos
  15. How to batch /schedule post
  16. Content Strategy
  17. Content Creation Apps
  18. Content Creation Equipment 


  • 21 Videos

  • 0 Quizzes

  • 0 Worksheets

  • 1 File

  • Protecting our Children

  • Influencer Benefits

  • Building a Brand

  • Creating Content

  • Competitor Analysis Example

  • Analyzing your Content

  • Bio Optimization

  • Bio Optimization-Name Search Example

  • Post Batching/Scheduling Planning

  • Growth Strategies 101

  • Stories Demo

  • Highlights Demonstration

  • Understanding Your insights

  • Reels 101 - Part 1

  • Reels 101 - Part 2

  • Snapseed Photo Editing Part 1

  • Snapseed Photo Editing Part 2

  • Snapseed Photo Editing Part 3

  • Retouch photo editing Part 1

  • Retouch Photo Editing Part 2

  • Influencer Tools